Visit Oakland Spine and Rehab

Friday, January 29, 2010

Medical Breakthrough For Pain Relief

Pain Sufferers Find Relief at Oakland Spine and Rehab with the FDA Approved Lite-Cure Laser

Hello, I'm Dr. Brad Butler, DC. Are you in pain? Have you tried everything to alleviate your pain without success? Are you contemplating surgery? Have you had surgery and are still in pain? In many cases operations are necessary for proper health and recovery from injury. However, I have seen countless post-surgical patients who did not want or need surgery and are still in pain. Oakland Spine and Rehabilitation utilizes state-of-the-art technology for pain relief that is proven to be an effective alternative to surgery. We offer a complete spine care pain relief program that involves a combination of individualized physical therapy, Deep Tissue Laser Therapy, manipulation under anesthesia, corrective chiropractic care and more.

Advanced Pain Relief Tools and Accurate Evaluations

Are pain pills, injections and spinal surgery effective, long-term solutions for pain relief? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Patients who come to Oakland Spine and Rehabilitation Center receive access to the most advanced pain relieving options available. The same technology that has typically only been used by professional sports teams is now available to you!


At Oakland Spine and Rehabilitation Center we have the area's ONLY LiteCure (LCT-1000) Laser Treatment. Deep tissue laser therapy is an innovative, scientifically based therapeutic modality. This new technology is FDA approved and offers advanced pain relief and faster healing times through a process known as photobiostimulation. The LCT-1000 laser treatment delivers deep penetration photonic energy to bring about profound physiological changes*. ATP (adenosine-triphosphate) production is increased, inflammation and pain reduced and circulation increased at the site of the injury. These changes in cellular chemistry are triggered by the LCT-1000 – MAKING IT A TRUE HEALING MODALITY.

LCT-lOOO Deep Tissue Laser Therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery and there are no known side effects or risks that may occur with other forms of pain treatment. In addition, it can often achieve results faster that other treatment modalities. During the treatment, the patient feels a deep, soothing warmth. This pleasant sensation reassures the patient that the laser is stimulating cellular activity. MANY PATIENTS EXPERIENCE RELIEF AFTER THE VERY FIRST TREATMENT!

What Conditions Can Be Treated at Oakland Spine and Rehab?

  • Herniated, bulging or "slipped" discs
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Neuropathic Pain in Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet
  • Failed Back Surgeries
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Arthritic Joints
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sciatica

What Patients Are Saying:

"I suffered from neck pain and migraines for years. I tried traditional treatments and tons of pain pills, but none of them worked. It got to the point that I was taking the pills and still getting the pain. I didn't know what else to do. Then I was referred to Dr. Butler. After his evaluation, he told me I would be a candidate for the LiteCure treatments. After the very first treatment I felt immediate relief from the pain. The best part is that it was the first thing I have done that has lasted. I can't believe how much better I am feeling" - Megan, Age 29

"I was diagnosed with neuropathy many years ago and had been getting worse over time. It got to the point where I couldn't even feel my feet. The other doctors I went to see had no solution except to put me on strong medications that didn't help my condition and had several undesirable side effects. I came to Oakland Spine and Rehab about two months ago. In addition to chiropractic care and physical therapy for my lower back I started treatments with the laser. The laser had a deep heat feel to it. I can say that for the first time in a long time I am starting to feel better. I can feel my feet again and my balance is improving. I would recommend this treatment for anyone who has neuropathy." - Bill, Age 74

Still Skeptical?

In a world of money back guarantees (that nobody uses because of the hassle) I am so confident you will see RELIEF at Oakland Spine and Rehabilitation Center that I am willing to take it a step further. Therefore, I will allow the first 25 callers to receive 2 treatments at our office ABSOLUTELY FREE and WITHOUT FURTHER OBLIGATION. There are NO strings attached so you have nothing to lose but your pain!!

It's Time to Take Control of Your Life and Enjoy Freedom From Pain

2 Free Lite-Cure Treatments
for the fist 25 callers who mention this blog

(no strings attached)

CALL TODAY (201) 651-9100

Oakland Spine and Rehabilitation Center
350 Ramapo Valley Road, Oakland, NJ
(in the Copper Tree Shopping Center next to Staples)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: Depression: Coping With Anxiety Symptoms Through Lifestyle Changes. Experts stress you can do a lot to support your treatment for depression and anxiety. Try to eat well and get enough sleep. Don't rely on alcohol or illicit drugs. Physical activity is key, as there's good evidence it can help with mood and may help people bounce back from depression. Breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and disciplines like yoga can help too. Most people already know this stuff. Telling people "eating well" or "exercising" is a good idea is often just preaching to the choir. The key is to figure out ways of integrating better habits into your life. Psychiatric Times, Dec. 2007

Health Alert: Top 10 Countries In Drug Expenditures Per Capita. (1) US $878 (2) Canada $691 (3) Greece $677 (4) France $588 (5) Belgium $566 (6) Spain $562 (7) Germany $542 (8) Italy $518 (9) Austria $500 (10) Switzerland $454 OECD Health Data, 2009

Exercise: The Best Way To Stretch. Always contract the muscle you want to stretch first (2-5 seconds), take a deep breath in-and-out (1-2 seconds) and then stretch (holding the stretch 15-30 seconds). Repeat this process 3-5 times.This mechanism allows the muscle to relax. Try it! Example: If stretching the hamstrings, you should contract the hamstrings first and then go into the stretch. Herman Kabat, MD, PhD

Chiropractic: Bad Posture Is Not Good. Having poor posture, slumping or slouching forces your back muscles to pull and hold your torso up, which can cause low back pain. Try this: Have a friend put their hand on your back and feel the difference of muscular tension with good posture vs. bad posture. Now imagine having that extra muscular tension all day long!

Wellness/Prevention: Get Your Sleep! You need sleep as much as you need food. Make sure you get enough sleep because without it, your body and your immune system will weaken. Mark Stibich, PhD.

Quote: "When the patient loves his disease, how unwilling he is to allow a remedy to be applied." ~ Pierre Corneille, Le Cid

Friday, January 8, 2010


Oakland Spine and Rehabilitation, in conjunction with the Association of New Jersey Chiropractors, is sponsoring a statewide coat, hat, glove, and scarf drive this holiday season.

Please help us by donating your good condition winter coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Items may be dropped off at O.S.R. during our normal office hours. Your generous donations will be given to local charities.

Thank you so much for your help and caring. Have a wonderful holiday season!

Chiropractic Manipulation: A New Study Regarding Headaches

Headaches are a common complaint in patients presenting for professional care, including chiropractic management.  Patients with headaches seek chiropractic care because they find manipulation or adjustments applied to the cervical spine and upper back region are highly effective in reducing the intensity, frequency and duration of the headache pain.  This is because the cervical spine / neck, is often the origin of the headache as the three nerves in the upper neck (C1, 2 and 3) pass through the thick, overly taught neck muscles in route to the scalp / head.  When the muscles of the neck are in spasm, the nerves get “pinched” or squeezed by the overly tight muscles resulting in headache pain.  Each nerve runs to a different part of the head and therefore, pain may be described as “…radiating over the top of head (sometimes into the forehead and eyes),” or, into the head and over the ear, sometimes reaching the temple.  Also, an area located in the back and side of the head is the area where the C1 nerve innervates, so pain may also be reported in that location.  When more than one of the C1-3 nerves is pinched, the whole side to the top of the head may be involved.

In the October 2009 issue of The Spine Journal, Western States Chiropractic College, Center for Outcomes Studies, reported benefits are obtained with the utilization of spinal manipulation in the treatment of chronic cervicogenic headaches.  The word “chronic” means at least 3 months of headache pain has been present.  This new study compared 2 different doses of therapy using several outcome measures including the pain grade, the number of headaches in the last 4 weeks and the amount of medication utilized.  Data was collected every 4 weeks for a 24 week period and patients were treated 1-2 times/week and separated into either an 8 or a 16 treatment session with half the group receiving either spinal manipulative therapy or a minimal light massage (LM) control group.

The results of the study revealed the spinal manipulation group obtained better results than the control group at all time intervals.  There was a small benefit in the group that received the greater number of treatments with the mean number of cervicogenic headaches reduced by 50% in both pain intensity and headache frequency.

The importance of this study is significant as there are many side effects to medications frequently utilized in the treatment of headaches.  Many patients prefer not taking medications for this reason and spinal manipulation therapy (SMT) offers a perfect remedy for these patients.  Couple SMT with dietary management, lifestyle modifications, stress management, and a natural, vitamin/herbal anti-inflammatory (such as ginger, turmeric, boswellia) when needed, a natural, holistic approach to the management of chronic headaches is accomplished.

We are proud that chiropractic care has consistently scored the highest level of satisfaction when compared to other forms of health care provision and look forward in serving you and your family presently and in the future.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Oakland Spine & Rehabilitation Introduces New Therapist

Oakland Spine & Rehabilitation Center has added yet another expert to our staff. We welcome Cathy Kuschan, MPT to our physical therapy team. Cathy brings with her 25 years of incredible experience working with a variety of techniques and specializing in manual therapy. Cathy's expert presence allows us to live up to our motto of "No Waiting, No Kidding". For our patients who currently receive physical therapy, we can now care for you without waiting days for an appointment and you will receive the same amazing quality of care you have come to expect from us.

As always, if you, a family member, or a friend are in need of physical therapy for treatment of an injury or after surgery - Oakland Spine & Rehabilitation is here to help. We appreciate your referrals.

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: Benefits of Laughter. Laughter increases secretion of catecholamines & endorphines, which increases oxygenation of the blood, relaxes arteries, increases heart rate, decreases blood pressure -- all have a positive effect on all cardiovascular & respiratory ailments, as well as an increased immune system response. American Journal of Medicine, 1995

Health Alert: Still Smoking? In 2007, 43 million or 19% of adults were smokers! CDC, 2008

Diet: Flavonoids Found In Tea Decrease Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke! The Zutphen study, which assessed 805 male subjects over a period of five years, found the incidence of fatal and nonfatal first myocardial infarction and mortality from stroke decreased significantly as intake of flavonoids, derived mainly from tea, increased. A follow-up to this study found a high intake of flavonoids significantly lowered the risk of stroke in study participants. Lancet, 1993 & Archives of Internal Medicine, 1996

Exercise: Exercise & Healing. Regular exercise may accelerate wound healing by 25%. Skin wounds healed 10 days faster on people who exercised. (29 days vs. 39 days). Ohio State University, 2006

Chiropractic: Chiropractic Is Effective For Treating Headaches! Cervical Spine manipulation was associated with significant improvement in headache outcomes in trials involving patients with neck pain and/or neck dysfunction and headache. Many times, a chiropractic adjustment can help with chronic or acute headaches. The adjustment releases short and tight muscles, allowing for optimum blood flow, which decreases the pain from headaches. Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center, Durham, NC, 2001

Wellness/Prevention: Women and Cancer. Women who adopted at least 6 of 9 recommendations below were 35% less likely to get cancer and 43% less likely to die from cancer than women who followed zero or one of the following recommendations. (1) Maximum body mass index of 25, limit adult weight gain to 11 pounds (2) eat 5 or more servings of fruit and veggies a day (3) eat 7 or more portions of complex carbohydrates a day (4) decrease your consumption of processed foods and refined sugars (5) limit alcohol consumption to 1 drink a day (6) limit your red meat intake to no more than 3 oz. per day (7) decrease fatty foods, particularly animal fats (8) limit intake of salted foods & use in cooking (9) eliminate tobacco use. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, July 2004