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Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: Who Has The Highest Stress Levels?
A workplace's key employees may be at the greatest risk of experiencing high stress levels. 18% reported their job was "highly stressful." The odds of having high stress were greater if workers were managers or professionals, if they thought their poor job performance could negatively affect others, or if they worked long or variable hours. If workers felt their poor job performance could result in any physical injury, damage to their company's equipment or reputation, or a financial loss, they were twice as likely to report high stress. Having a worksite far from their home, or having to entertain or travel for their jobs also increased the odds of being stressed, as did variable hours such as being on call, doing shift work or having a compressed work week. Chronic stress can lead to burnout, and can worsen existing mental health problems or physical disability.
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, January 2011

Health Alert: Medication Errors For Kids?
Preparing small doses of medication from syringes may be inaccurate and can result in crucial dosing errors for infants and children. Because babies and young children require small doses of drugs, these are often prepared from stock of less than 0.1 mL. Current equipment does not permit the accurate measurement of volumes less than 0.1 mL. 7.4% of preparations for children needed less than 0.1 mL of stock solution and 17.5% needed preparations from less than 0.2 mL. Medications most commonly requiring small doses include potent narcotics and sedatives such as morphine, lorazepam and fentanyl as well as immunosuppressants.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, January 2011

Diet: Foods Preferred By Preschool Kids.
Preschoolers (ages 3-5) prefer salt, sugar and fat, and these children equate their taste preferences to brand-name fast-food and soda products. Children even turn to condiments to add these flavors -- and with them calories -- to be sure the foods they eat match their taste preferences.
Appetite, January 2011

Exercise: Stretch Before Sit-ups?
To properly strengthen abdominal muscles, stretch your low back muscles first. Most people have overly contracting low back muscles that inhibit or turn off the abdominals. Stretching the low back first will allow the abdominals to fire at a higher rate. Try it.

Chiropractic: Starting Over, Fun Fact!
The human body is in a constant state of breakdown and repair, your cells are constantly replaced by new cells. (Lung tissue becoming healthy again after quitting smoking is a good example.)
Anatomy & Physiology, Guyton

Wellness/Prevention: Another Reason Not To Smoke.
Women who smoke regularly before menopause have a higher risk of developing lung cancer. The risk was also greater if the woman smoked for longer, started at an earlier age, and consumed many cigarettes each day. Breast cancer is the most common worldwide female cancer.
Archives of Internal Medicine, 2011