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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are you feeling unmotivated and tired?? Here are some tips!

In the Northeast it already feels like fall. It's been gray and gloomy, Labor Day is gone, we just had to go through historic floods AND NOW it's back to school. Many patients have been asking me about fatigue, feeling like they are in a slump and being unmotivated to follow through with their care and get better. I am here to tell you that IT'S NORMAL and it will be OK.

For years I taught seminars to businesses, doctors and organizations and one thing that came up continually was "slumping". Well, we all go through it. You are allowed to get in a slump, delay your work and feel a little bit down. It's a normal response to changing seasons, changing schedules and changing responsibilities - and if you add to that the stress of the weather, the economy and what's going on in the world - it's no wonder you feel a little bit down and unmotivated. Your mind is constantly trying to catch up.

HERE'S THE SOLUTION - Recognize where you are - AND GET MOVING!! Yes, the answer is moving, moving, moving. Nothing will get you feeling accomplished, improve your self esteem and generally make you feel better then MOVING FORWARD. It's the difference between a cow and a rhino - Cows sit around and accomplish little, but rhino's charge!! And research proves the power of moving and its effect on accomplishment. Most people make a HUGE MISTAKE - they tell themselves "When I feel better I'll get moving". That's exactly the opposite of what it takes to be successful in life and business. THE TRUTH IS - YOU MUST GET MOVING - AND THEN YOU'LL FEEL BETTER!

"Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy". - Wayne Dyer


  1. Look at your Calendar: The year is almost over. Now is the time to map out your next four months. What WILL you do to bring more happiness and meaning to your life?? Commit to getting the treatment you need to feel better, lose the weight you've been procrastinating on, stop wasting money and START a savings account instead??? List out the goals that are most important to you and when you want to accomplish them- and read them daily. Then mark them off as you achieve each one.
  2. Start Moving: Don't wait. The time will never be "just right." The worst thing you can do is to sit on the couch or lie in bed and think about all the things you COULD be doing. Feeling guilty and eating ice cream when you know you should be on the treadmill or outside only makes your procrastination feel worse. Remember, "A body at rest STAYS at rest. A body in MOTION stays in motion". You'll be amazed at the inspiration that comes to you when your blood starts pumping.
  3. Create a NEW Schedule: It's September! You can create a brand new schedule. You can change what time you wake up (I recommend 5 AM), when you get your exercise, when you read a good book, what activities and groups you'll join, when you'll spend time with your kids, etc.
  4. Find a Partner: Remember - YOU'RE NOT ALONE. Right now there is somebody you know who is in the exact same situation as you. They feel the same way you feel. So go ahead and reach out. Make a commitment to each other and hold each other accountable. There is something very powerful in committing to do something WITH someone else. The days you might not get out of bed, not go to the gym, and not get the kids together to play --- become fewer and fewer because it's natural to not want to let someone down.

"We shall never have more time. We have, and have always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until tomorrow. Keep going day in and day out. Concentrate on something useful. Having decided to achiever a task, achiever it at all costs." - Arnold Bennett.

Watching your Back, Dr. Brad