"How can a Laser save someone's life? Well, over the years I have seen tens of thousands of patients who have seen chronic pain ruin their lives. I have seen families break up, jobs lost leading to poverty and loss of homes, and severe drug addictions develop. So, literally, those people LOST their Lives. One of the major contributors I have seen that has prevented people from regaining their lives is a FEAR OF TRYING SOMETHING UNCONVENTIONAL. More people have succumbed to the pressure the doctor put on them to undergo pain management and/or surgery then I can believe ---- and have forever regretted it. Why do we fear things we are unfamiliar with? In many cases - if we could just get over the fear and DO IT, it would make ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD. Read the following quote I keep by my desk, "Face and get through your fears and the world will open up. Give into your fears and the world will get smaller around you".
There is NEW HOPE for those people you know who suffer from chronic pain, sciatica, herniated discs and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - It's the New Life Laser! Oakland Spine and Rehab is now NJ's only New Life Laser Center. The laser therapy does what no other therapy can do - It reduces pain and stimulates accelerated healing. It is most effective for people with chronic pain conditions, but is also helpful for acute injuries and tendonitis. If you have someone you know who suffers - PLEASE HELP THEM TO STOP THE MEDICATIONS. They can hear about this therapy on our website OR EVEN BETTER.... refer them in to our office for a FREE CONSULTATION to see if New Life is right for them.
Watching your back,
Dr. Brad