Mental Attitude: Thinking With Your Hands.
Being able to use your body in problem solving alters the way you solve problems. In an experiment, the people who were allowed to gesture usually did so-and they also commonly used perceptual-motor strategies in solving puzzles. The people whose hands were restrained, as well as those who chose not to gesture (even when allowed), used abstract, mathematical strategies much more often.
Association for Psychological Science, May 2011
Health Alert: Type 2 Diabetes.
Diabetes is the seventh biggest cause of premature death in America. 1.9 million were diagnosed with diabetes last year. About half of all seniors (65+) have pre-diabetes. In 2010, the CDC predicted that 1 in 3 adults will have diabetes by the middle of this century. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age, excess weight, a family history of the disease, and with lack of activity. An individual with diabetes has a higher risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure), amputation of feet and legs, kidney failure, blindness, strokes, and heart attacks. Diabetes carries a $174 billion cost a year, of which $116 billion are direct medical expenses.
US Dept Health and Human Services, May 2011
Diet: Malnutrition In Elderly.
Femur neck fractures are a predominant cause of hospitalization among people over 65. They result in an end to independent living for 60% and death within six months from surgery for 30%. In terms of generally recognized lower limits for sufficient nourishment, 66% fell short of lymphocyte levels, 21% of albumin levels and 10% of protein levels.
European Federation of National Associations of Orthopedics and Traumatology
Exercise: Don't Forget Water.
The more intense your training session, the more heat your body produces. Before you exercise, drink water to help your body compensate for sweating. You can drink more water during exercise if you're thirsty.
Mayo Clinic
Chiropractic: It Starts Early In Life.
"Research indicates that the major cause of spinal subluxation in infants is childbirth. I stress the need for correction from birth so that irreversible subluxation degeneration changes do not occur. Nervous system injury through cervical spine trauma at birth causes abnormal function, abnormal behavior, and perhaps early death (SIDS)."
Abraham Towbin, MD, PhD, Pathologist Harvard University
Wellness/Prevention: Green Tea Please.
A beneficial compound found in green tea, a polyphenol called EGCG, has a powerful ability to increase the number of "regulatory T cells" that play a key role in immune function and suppression of autoimmune disease. This compound has shown to help control inflammation, improve immune function and prevent cancer. Pharmaceutical drugs perform similar roles but they have problems with toxicity. Natural food products may provide a long-term, sustainable way to accomplish this same goal, but without toxicity.
Immunology Letters, May 2011