Every year around this time there is a very predictable pattern that I have observed over the years ..... that there will be a spike in getting sick, headaches, upper back pain and allergies. What most people you know don't understand, and maybe this includes you as well, is that for tens of millions of people there is a dramatic shift in their schedule, their responsibilities, their time demands and at the same time the seasons are changing. The reason this is significant is that all of these things cause STRESS in your body - IN PARTICULAR - YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM. Your nervous system is the control center of all of the other organs and systems that keep you healthy and alive. When the nerve system gets overwhelmed it creates short-circuiting to these other systems. THINK OF A BROWN OUT. It's not that all of your appliances stop working.....they just don't work the right way. In our bodies, when things don't work the right way, we get PAIN OR SICKNESS.
So, what's the best way to stay healthy during this very stressful time of the year? YOU GUESSED IT - by doing things that lower the stress in your nervous system and body. One GREAT way is to get extra chiropractic adjustments, another is to watch what you eat and drink (especially later in the day and evening), drink more water, go to bed a little earlier and finally, get some physical activity. All of these things have a "STRESS-REDUCING" effect on your body and, therefore, the more of them you can do together the better you'll feel.
Finally, pay attention to your body. It really is the most incredible thing. It will always give you little warnings that a problem is coming. If you start to feel fatigue, sore throat, congestion, headaches, upper back and neck pain, etc.... these are all signs that your physical body is not working the best it can be. When that happens - MAKE A POINT TO GET AN EXTRA ADJUSTMENT. The adjustment will free up the nerves, created more mobility of the spine and allow the spinal muscles to relax. When this happens your immune system will work better, your sinuses will drain better and you will ABSOLUTELY FEEL BETTER.
Also, think of your co-workers, friends and family members. If they are complaining about not feeling well - REFER THEM IN FOR A COMPLIMENTARY VISIT TO OUR OFFICE. They will be very glad you did.
As Always - Watching your Back,
Dr. Brad