Due to such an incredible demand for information on becoming pain free, our first "Pain Free" seminar was booked solid, with a total of 50 guests, within just a few hours. There were so many callers who wished to hear about the non-surgical, non-invasive techniques we offer, that Dr. Butler has decided to host a second "Pain Free" dinner seminar.
This dinner is the ideal setting for your friends, family members or co-workers, who are suffering from chronic back pain, stenosis, arthritis, neuropathy or herniated discs, to learn about the Butler Spine Program - a revolutionary new treatment that has a 90% success rate. Also, a special offer will be made at the dinner to save them thousands of dollars on the cost of the program.
The free gourmet dinner and "Pain Free" presentation will be held at Portobello's Banquets on Tuesday, November 1st at 6:00pm. Please let all of your friends and family who are suffering from any of these conditions know that help is on the way! Seating is limited, so have them reserve their spot today by calling us at (862) 226-0928.
As always,The Staff at Oakland Spine and Rehab.