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Monday, November 28, 2011

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: That's Life. Our life experiences (the ups, downs and everything in between) shape us, stay with us and influence our emotional set point as adults. By studying identical twins and monitoring them as their life paths diverged, researchers discovered life experiences are important influences on our levels of anxiety and depression. With diet, we say, "you are what you eat." This study shows "you are what you have experienced."
Virginia Commonwealth University, Oct 2011

Health Alert: Drunk Drivers! During the past year in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control estimates there were 112 million incidents of adults getting behind the wheel of their car while under the influence of alcohol. That's 300,000 a day! These people put everyone on the road at risk. 11,000 people are killed every year in crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver.
CDC, Oct 2011

Diet: Thin Children? Children with thinner parents are 3 times more likely to be thin than children whose parents are overweight. When both parents were in the thinner half of the healthy-weight range, the chance of the child being thin was 16.2%, compared with 7.8% when both parents were in the upper half of the healthy weight range, 5.3% with two overweight parents, and only 2.5% for children with two obese parents.
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Sept 2011

Exercise: Vigorous Exercise. Men who perform vigorous exercise 3 times a week have a 22% lower risk of heart attack. Researchers believe the vigorous exercise results in higher HDL-C ("good" cholesterol) levels, known to lower the risk of heart disease.
Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health, 1996

Chiropractic: Total Regeneration. According to Deepak Chopra, M.D., "98% of the atoms in your body were not there a year ago." With that concept in mind, taking care of your body is essential as it is a constant state of regeneration. Through proper diet, regular exercise, getting enough rest, maintaining low stress levels and proper chiropractic care, you can give your body the best opportunity to be healthy and stay healthy.

Wellness/Prevention: Kids, Stay Thin! If your children are overweight or obese, their risk of having high blood pressure is almost three times higher than children at normal weight.
Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, Oct 2011