We have made yet another policy change in our ever growing desire to SHATTER the model of a doctor's office visit. It's called our "Same Day Guarantee." More on this in a minute.
First I want to talk you about how we Re-Invented the notion of WAITING at a doctor's office. In most cases, when I speak to patients or people I know the overwhelming complaint about doctors is the WAIT. There is nothing more aggravating and one I experienced first hand.
About a year ago my son, Zack, broke his shoulder blade (ouch!) during football practice. When I knew I couldn't help him I called an orthopedic office I trust. When we arrived we had to wait an hour and a half - AND THIS IS A DOCTOR I KNOW AND REFER TO!! I was so outraged that I immediately went back to my office and told my entire staff, "We will never do that to a patient. We are going to create a NO-WAITING, NO-KIDDING policy". And so it has been for over a year to the delight of our patients. Simply stated - if you are an active patient you will never wait more then 5 minutes to be seen. If you wait - we give you a gift.
Now for our NEW GUARANTEE.
Guess what the SECOND most common complaint we hear about doctors offices is? You guessed it - GETTING AN APPOINTMENT. Well, I am announcing our newest guarantee which I would LOVE for you to share with those you care about and refer to our office. It's our "SAME DAY GUARANTEE". Simply stated, if a new patient needs to be seen on our normal days of operation - we guarantee we will see them that day! All they have to do is call us during the morning hours. You will see this very soon in all of our marketing efforts - our billboard, our newspaper ads, our mailings and on TV.
So now you have one more amazing advantage here at O.S.R. to tell your friends and family about.
As always,
Dr. Brad