It is estimated that most people will suffer with back and/or neck pain at one time during their lifetime. Chiropractic treatment for back pain is well-documented in literature and now a new study has come out in the Annals of Internal Medicine that states spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) and home exercise are more effective than medication for neck pain.
You can read all about this study in the lead story of this month’s newsletter.
Since Chiropractors are experts in SMT (commonly called adjustments), it makes sense to get a Chiropractic evaluation if you have neck pain. The evaluation is simple and you may discover a way to relieve your pain.
Here’s something important if you suffer from headaches. Many headaches are caused by the structures in your neck. This type of headache is called a cervicogenic headache.
With this type of headache, the pain is referred to the head from the boney structures or soft tissue of the neck and can often mimic other types of headaches. Many cervicogenic headaches cause pain in the back of the head and also behind the eyes or temple region.
With this type of headache, you may also have a stiff neck, and certain neck movements may bring on the headache and make it worse.
For years, Chiropractors have noticed that patients would come in for a stiff neck or neck pain… and after helping with the neck pain… patients would say their headaches were gone too!
It is great to live in a time when research is catching up to what so many Chiropractors have known for so long. Now that we are working hand in hand with medical doctors, more patients are getting helped than ever before.
If you have neck pain, a stiff neck or suffer with headaches, give us a call and set up an evaluation. Getting relief may be easier than you think.
You can call us with any other questions you have, as well. We are always here to help you, with anything we can.