Mental Attitude: Multiple Media Use.
Media use among United States youth has increased 20% in the past decade, and the amount of time spent multitasking with media has spiked 120%. Using multiple forms of media at the same time (ie. playing a computer game while watching TV) has been linked to symptoms of anxiety and depression. Cyberpsychology.
Behavior and Social Networking, December 2012
Health Alert: Cigarette Taxes.
According to a study conducted by Tobacco Control, the typical smoker averaged 16 cigarettes per day in 2001. Three years later, that number decreased to 14 cigarettes daily. The price for a pack of cigarettes increased from $3.96 in 2001 to $4.41 in 2004, mainly due to increased taxes on cigarettes. It's believed the two cigarettes per day decrease from 2001-2004 was due to the increased cost of smoking.
Tobacco Control, December 2012
Diet: Rice Bran.
The bioactive components in rice bran show anti-cancer activity, including the ability to inhibit cell proliferation, alter cell cycle progression, and initiate the programmed cell death (known as apoptosis) in malignant cells. Bioactive components of rice bran act not only within cancer cells but around the cells to create conditions in the surrounding tissues that promote the function of healthy cells while inhibiting the function of cancer cells. This tissue microenvironment activity includes controlling chronic inflammation, often a precursor for cancer. Rice bran may also promote an anti-cancer immune response and protect against cancer.
Advances in Nutrition, December 2012
Exercise: Want A Healthy Brain?
Physical exercise is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain. Scientists found that Growth Hormone (stimulated by exercise) increases the amount of stem cells that actively generate new nerve cells in the brain. Growth Hormone also slows and can even reverse the decline in new nerve cell formation normally seen as our bodies age.
University of Queensland, November 2012
Chiropractic: Bone Spurs?
Bone spurs (osteophytes) are bony projections that form off of bones in and along joints, and are often seen with arthritis. Bone spurs can limit joint motion and can cause joint pain. Bone spurs form when the body tries to increase the surface area of the joint to better distribute weight across a joint surface that has been damaged by arthritis. To slow formation and alleviate symptoms, it has been shown that joint motion improves nutrition to the tissue and maintains the health of the joint.
Spine, 1977
Wellness/Prevention: Sleep and Insulin Resistance.
High levels of insulin resistance can lead to the development of diabetes. Teenagers who normally sleep six hours a night can improve insulin resistance by 9% by simply sleeping one additional hour.
Sleep, October 2012