Mental Attitude: The Gambler's Fallacy.
The gambler's fallacy is described as a situation when one outcome may seem more likely based on previous results in a game of chance, such as thinking a coin-flip has a greater than 50/50 chance of landing "heads" if the previous four flips landed tail side up. An experiment involving patients with damage to the part of the brain called the insula found that they do not succumb to the gambler's fallacy. This finding suggests that people who are addicted to gambling may have hyperactive activity in this area of the brain and if future studies confirm this, it may lead to a possible treatment for gambling addiction.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, April 2014
Health Alert: Tamiflu & Relenza Not Effective for Flu.
The latest Cochrane Review reveals there is no solid evidence to support the effectiveness of Tamiflu and Relenza, commonly used medications to fight or prevent influenza symptoms. Dr. David Tovey, editor in chief at Cochrane, writes, "Initially thought to reduce hospitalizations and serious complications from influenza, the review highlights that Tamiflu is not proven to do this, and it also seems to lead to harmful effects that were not fully reported in the original publications. This shows the importance of ensuring that trial data are transparent and accessible." Similar results were found regarding Relenza.
Cochrane Systemic Review, April 2014
Diet: Junk Food Diets Prompt Laziness.
New animal-based research indicates that consistently eating processed foods may lead to obesity, inactivity, and feelings of lethargy. This appears contrary to some beliefs that laziness leads to obesity and suggests that a long-term pattern of eating junk food is to blame for obesity and its accompanying health problems. Lead researcher Dr. Aaron Blaisdell writes, “We are living in an environment with sedentary lifestyles, poor-quality diet, and highly processed foods that is very different from the one we are adapted to through human evolution. It is that difference that leads to many of the chronic diseases that we see today, such as obesity and diabetes."
Physiology and Behavior, April 2014
Exercise: Seeing Nature Helps Lower Blood Pressure!
Investigators have found that seeing nature-related imagery while riding a stationary bike can result in lower blood pressure post-exercise than working out without such stimuli.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, April 2014
Chiropractic: Chiropractic Effective for Back Pain During Pregnancy.
A new study confirms that chiropractic care to treat low back pain during pregnancy is both safe and effective. The study involved 115 pregnant patients with low back or pelvic pain who received chiropractic care. Fifty-two percent noticed improvements within one week of starting care. The percentage increased to 70% after one month and 85% after three months. Eighty-eight percent of patients reported improved back and pelvic pain post-delivery one year after the start of the study. These findings suggest that chiropractic care during pregnancy can provide women with lasting health benefits.
Chiropractic and Manual Therapies, April 2014
Wellness/Prevention: More Prevention Needed Regarding Teen Pregnancy.
Though births to teens ages 15 to 17 years of age have decreased in recent years, girls in the United States are still giving birth to an estimated 1,700 babies per week. Investigators for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 73% of teens in this age group (15-17 years old) have not yet had sex. However, they found that among the teens in this age group who are sexually active, 80% had not had any formal sex education before they had sex for the first time. CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden adds, "Efforts to prevent teen childbearing need to focus on evidence-based approaches to delaying sexual activity and increasing use of the most effective methods of contraception for those teens who are sexually active."
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, April 2014