Chiropractic: Heavy Physical Work and Low Back Pain.
Among Brazil's urban cleaning workers (drivers, trash collectors, maintenance workers, etc.), musculoskeletal pain -- and low back pain in particular -- is a major public health issue. Researchers interviewed 657 workers and found that 37% have experienced back pain lasting more than one week during the previous year, and of that group, 62.8% experienced back pain within the last seven days. Workers who described bending over and twisting as part of their job functions were much more likely to experience pain in one or more anatomical regions, as were workers who frequently worked overtime. Of note, workers who performed more dynamic and fewer repetitive movements on the job were less likely to experience back pain.
Brazilian Journal of Epidemiology, March 2014
Mental Attitude: Cynics at Higher Risk for Dementia.
Cynical, distrustful people may be at a higher risk of dementia, according to a new Finnish study. Researchers found that people with high levels of cynical distrust were three times more likely to develop dementia compared to people with low levels of cynicism. One possible explanation could be that individuals who are more wary of others may also be less socially active, which can increase their dementia risk.
Neurology, May 2014
Health Alert: Over 1 in 10 Elderly Injured by Outpatient Care.
According to new research, nearly 11% of Medicare patients are victims of medical injuries during outpatient care. The primary causes include receiving the wrong medication, an allergic reaction to a prescribed medication, or complications resulting from treatment.
Injury Prevention, May 2014
Diet: Mediterranean Diet May Prevent Childhood Obesity.
A new report finds that children who closely follow a diet rich in fish, nuts, grains, fruits, and vegetables are 15% less likely to be overweight or obese in comparison with their peers who do not.
European Congress on Obesity, May 2014
Exercise: Bicycling Leads to Good Feelings.
Compared with all modes of transportation, people who ride their bicycles are the happiest, followed by automobile passengers and drivers.
Transportation, May 2014
Wellness/Prevention: Elevated Blood Pressure Number Determines Risks.
New research points to the type of heart risk individuals face based on which number of their blood pressure reading is high. Researchers found that an elevated systolic blood pressure (top number) was associated with an increased risk of bleeding strokes and stable angina while those with a higher diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) were more likely to be diagnosed with an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Lead investigator Dr. Eleni Rapsomaniki writes, "Our estimates provide vital new information that can be used to improve patient counseling and decision-making for people with hypertension, which are currently based mainly on the risks of heart attack and stroke, and will help to focus guidelines and doctors to the cardiovascular conditions that might be more common, and in which screening and treatments are more likely to have an effect."
The Lancet, May 2014