Mental Attitude: Employees Lie About Stress.
Millions of workers feel forced to lie to their bosses about having to take stress-induced sick leave. Talking about workplace pressures remains a huge taboo. Stress has forced 19% of workers to call in sick, yet 93% say they lied to their boss about the real reason..
MIND, Nov 2010
Health Alert: Biological Changes In Suicidal Patients.
Depressed and suicidal individuals have low levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood and saliva. They also have substances in their spinal fluid (cytokines) suggesting there is increased inflammation in the brain. The levels were highest in those who had been diagnosed with major depression or who had made violent suicide attempts.
Lund University, AlphaGalileo Foundation. Nov 2010
Diet: Watch Out For Fructose.
Excessive amounts of fructose, present in added sugars, may play a role in high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and chronic kidney disease. Dietary fructose is present primarily in added dietary sugars, honey and fruit. With the introduction of high fructose corn syrup in the 1970s, an increased intake of fructose has occurred and obesity rates have risen simultaneously.
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, November 2010
Exercise: The Race Against Age.
Impairments to health and physical performance are not primarily a result of aging but of unfavorable lifestyle habits and lack of exercise. Sporty elderly people have a life expectancy almost 4 years higher and are often faster than younger athletes.
Deutsches Aerzteblatt International, AlphaGalileo Foundation, December 2010
Chiropractic: Medical Care vs. Chiropractic Care.
Chiropractic management demonstrated decreases of 60.2% in-hospital admissions, 59.0% hospital days, 62.0% outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 83% pharmaceutical costs when compared with conventional medicine. This clearly demonstrates that chiropractic non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical approaches generates reductions in both clinical and cost utilization when compared with Primary Care Physicians using conventional medicine alone.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2007
Wellness/Prevention: Biodiversity Important For Human Health.
Global biodiversity has declined at an unprecedented pace since the 1950s. Current extinction rates are 100-1,000 times higher than in past epochs, and are to increase a thousand times more in the next 50 years. Expanding human populations can increase contact with novel pathogens through activities such as land-clearing for agriculture and hunting for wildlife. The loss of biodiversity - from beneficial bacteria to charismatic mammals - threatens human health. Species losses in ecosystems result in increases in pathogens. The animals, plants, and microbes most likely to disappear as biodiversity is lost are often those that buffer infectious disease transmission. Those that remain tend to be species that magnify the transmission of infectious diseases.
Nature, Dec 2010