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Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: Attitude And 100 Years.
Critical life events and personal history, along with how people adapt to stressful situations and cope with them are crucial to explaining successful aging. Personality also determined how well centenarians reacted to life stress and change, and therefore whether they were as happy in their old age as they were when young. Healthy 100-year-olds had personalities that are open and conscientious.
Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, Dec 2010

Health Alert: High Blood Pressure In Children!
Children in disadvantaged socio-economic situations are more likely to deal with the kinds of daily stresses that can lead to hypertension at an early age. 1.5% to 4% of children have serious hypertension, 6.5-8% have elevated blood pressure that could be cause for concern.
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Nov 2010

Diet: Fruits, Vegetables And Cancer.
A panel review concluded the evidence that fruit and vegetable consumption lowers risk for certain cancers was probable. The evidence was not strong enough to receive a grade of convincing, which is the best grade possible. It was agreed that weight management and physical activity has emerged as very important factors in cancer prevention, and that alcohol consumption significantly raises the risk. Diet is only one aspect of living for lower cancer risk. Scientists estimate if healthy diets are combined with regular physical activity and weight management, about 1/3 of the most common cancers could be prevented - that's almost 350,000 cases in the US every year.
American Institute for Cancer Research, Dec 2010

Exercise: Preventing Sports Injuries.
This review underscores the value of neuromuscular training in preventing sports injuries. It was concluded, on the basis of the results of seven high-quality studies, there is evidence for the effectiveness of proprioceptive/neuromuscular training in reducing the incidence of certain types of sports injuries among adolescent and young adult athletes during pivoting sports.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, March 2010

Chiropractic: Great For Headaches.
Most people associate chiropractic with back pain, but many other ailments can be cared for with chiropractic. In one study patients with chronic cervicogenic headache received either chiropractic care (neck adjustments) or a minimal light massage. The chiropractic group improved much more than the light massage group.
The Spine Journal, Feb 2010

Wellness/Prevention: Polluted Air Increases Obesity Risk?
Animals exposed to the fine-particulate air pollution had larger and more fat cells in their abdominal area and higher blood sugar levels than did animals eating the same diet but breathing clean air. According to the EPA, roughly one out of every three people in the US is at a higher risk of experiencing health effects related to the presence of polluted air.
Ohio State University Dec 2010