Mental Attitude: Cheer Up!
0% of middle-aged Europeans took antidepressants in 2010. The probability of taking an antidepressant is greatest among those middle-aged, female, unemployed, with low levels of education, and divorced or separated. This pattern is consistent with the recent finding across the world that happiness and mental health follow an approximate U-shape through life (mid-life crisis).
University of Warwick, June 2011
Health Alert: No Safe Amount!
The blood-alcohol limit may be 0.08% when driving, but no amount of alcohol seems to be safe. This study examined official data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System. The researchers used FARS because it is nationally comprehensive, covering all US counties, all days of the week and all times of day, and reports on blood-alcohol content in increments of 0.01. Accidents are 36.6% more severe even when alcohol was barely detectable in a driver's blood. Even with a BAC of 0.01, there are 4.33 serious injuries for every non-serious injury versus 3.17 for sober drivers.
Fatality Analysis Reporting System, 2011
Diet: Slow Gains?
An average adult gains one pound per year. Small changes in diet, consumption of beverages, physical activity, watching TV, and sleep duration were most strongly linked to long-term weight gain. The idea of "eat less and exercise more" may be too simplistic a weight-loss strategy, as it is the quality of food that matters most and making a handful of small, targeted changes is likely to be most effective.
New England Journal of Medicine, June 2011
Exercise: Exercise: Kids Not Making Grade!
Only a small percentage of youth meet the objective for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities as outlined in the Healthy People 2020 physical activity guidelines. The data revealed 15.3% of students met the aerobic objective, 51% met the muscle-strengthening objective, and only 12.2% met both objectives.
US Centers For Disease Control And Prevention
Chiropractic: Safe For Neck Pain?
For the treatment of neck pain, cervical manipulation is much safer than the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - which are often used as the 'conventional' first-line treatment for similar musculoskeletal conditions - by "a factor of several hundred times."
Journal of Manipulative Physiotherapy, 1996
Wellness/Prevention: Bone Up With Blueberries.
Compounds in blueberries might have a powerful effect on the formation of strong, healthy bones. Studies with rats suggest polyphenols, the compounds that give blueberries their blue, purple, and red coloration, might aid in building strong bones. Animals fed rations containing 10% freeze-dried blueberry powder had significantly more bone mass than their counterparts whose rations were blueberry-free.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2010