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Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: Memory Restoration.
Scientists have developed a way to turn memories on and off - literally with the flip of a switch. Using an electronic system that duplicates the neural signals associated with memory, they managed to replicate the brain function in rats associated with long-term, learned behavior. Researchers also showed that if a prosthetic device and its associated electrodes were implanted in animals with a normal, functioning hippocampus, the device could actually strengthen the memory being generated internally in the brain and enhance the memory capability of normal rats. The goal is to eventually create a prosthesis that might help Alzheimer's disease, stroke or injury sufferers recover function.
Journal of Neural Engineering, June 2011

Health Alert: Inaccurate Medical Claims!
Claims-processing errors have increased by 2% over the last year to a 19.3% rate, wasting $17 billion annually. United Healthcare was best with a 90.2% accuracy rating. Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, was lowest with an accuracy rating of 61.1%.
American Medical Association 4th annual National Health Insurer Report Card

Diet: Big Time Snacking.
Snacking continues to increase among Americans, accounting for 25% of daily caloric intake. The average person "snacks" an extra 580 calories each day. Between 2006 and 2008, time spent eating primary meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner - remained consistent at 70 minutes. However, secondary eating doubled from 15 minutes each day in 2006 to nearly 30 minutes in 2008, and secondary drinking jumped nearly 90% from 45-85 minutes. Beverages account for 50% the calories consumed through snacking. Most people don't equate beverages with calorie intake and are less likely to offset or take these calories into account.
Institute of Food Technologists, June 2011

Exercise: Muscle Up.
How important is it to exercise your muscles? The human body has over 600 muscles accounting for 40% of the body's weight. When exercised regularly, muscles are your primary mechanism of maintaining your metabolism, thus burning fat. Maintaining the flexibility of your joints and surrounding soft tissues allows muscles to function at their highest level.
Gray's Anatomy

Chiropractic: Simple Analogy.
Spinal problems are like a cavity in your tooth: 1. They occur slowly over time. 2. Typically, they are without symptoms for some time. 3. They continue to progress. 4. They don't go away on their own. 5. They eventually cause pain. 6. They can lead to more significant problems.

Wellness/Prevention: Smoking Raises Risk.
Smokers had a higher risk of dying from prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, cancer-recurrence, or from any cause compared to lifetime non-smokers. The longer the patient smoked, the higher his risk of dying from prostate cancer or cardiovascular disease. Men who had given up smoking for ten years had similar prostate cancer mortality risks as lifetime non-smokers.
Journal of the American Medical Association, May 2011