"Our behavior is governed by principles. Living in harmony with them brings positive consequences; violating them brings negative consequences." - Stephen Covey
Dear Friends,
Welcome to 2012! As we venture into the new year, I encourage you to see it as a new opportunity to make this the best year ever. If you read the above quote you will note that it is from one of the world's foremost experts in business. However, what he is saying holds true for every area of our life ..... relationships, finances, health, etc. One of the great advantages I have as a Doctor of Chiropractic is that the science we use to help our patients is based on understanding the principles of how the body is designed to function. We realize that the body runs on certain principles and when those are violated - you experience negative consequences (pain, sickness, degeneration, etc.). Amazingly - at almost any point along the way, if you begin to "Live in Harmony" with those principles you will ALWAYS have positive consequences (less sickness, more energy, feel better, etc.).
It's for this reason that we ask all of our patients to commit to referring your friends, co-workers and relatives to our office this year. There is virtually no one you know who we cannot help on some level. For some of them it might mean the complete correction of their problem, for other it might mean an 80% correction ..... but they will ALL be better off.
SPECIAL CONTEST FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY: Our Patient Referral Contest for the next 6 Weeks is a NEW APPLE IPAD. For every referral to our office, you will be entered to win a brand new IPAD: 1 entry for one referral, 5 entries for two referrals and 10 entries for 3 or more!!!
Last Month's Winner: Susan A. referred in 5 members of her family and won a $500 Gift!!
As always,
Dr. Brad