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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Usually doing "Nothing" is the worst thing to do...

"In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." - Theodore Roosevelt

This year we celebrate our 15th year in practice! It's a major milestone and one I am quite proud of. We now live in a world where becoming a doctor is no guarantee of success. In fact, doctors practices have become just like any other business in our economy, where more often then not, they will have to close their doors instead of succeeding. A recent statistic I read suggested that HALF of the doctors who graduate from school today will be out of business within five years!! So, what does this have to do with HEALTH? If you read my last email, I let you in on the secret of understanding "principles" and how they work in our lives. One of the most powerful of all is the law of "Cause and Effect". Simply stated - for every effect (or outcome) there is a specific cause (something that makes it happen).

Our bodies are governed by the principal of cause and effect as well. In almost every case - when it comes to physical pain there is a physical cause. The people you know who suffer from: Migraine headaches, herniated discs, neck pain, Spinal Stenosis, Neuropathy, Sciatica, etc. there is a specific PHYSICAL CAUSE. Some of them make them make the RIGHT DECISION and seek out ways to correct the problem (ie. they come and see me). Others make the WRONG DECISION - they self medicate with over-the-counter medicines and mask the symptoms/warnings OR they take stronger medicines OR get injections and Surgery. These are the wrong decisions because almost every physical pain comes from a physical problem and NOT A CHEMICAL PROBLEM. Eventually the drugs wear off and now the damage is worse.

However, THE WORST DECISION (see above quote) is sometimes "doing nothing". Without question, the people you know who are in pain and aren't doing anything for it are HOPING it will go away. And while the symptoms of the problem are prone to coming and going - THE CONDITION ALWAYS GETS WORSE WITH TIME. Whenever possible I encourage people who think this way to understand that it's always harder to fix these problems later. Physical problems always get worse with time and the amount of care to correct the problem is proportional to the amount of damage they have. When they wait ("do nothing") they develop more scar tissue, more nerve damage and more "bad" muscle memory. This leads to more treatments, more therapies and more expense to them.

I encourage you all to tell your friends and family members NOT TO WAIT, but instead to deal with these issues at the earliest possible time - WHICH IS NOW! Don't let your husband, wife, child, neighbor, co-worker or friend wait because it never works out. Please use 2012 as your year for helping them to help themselves. Refer them in and let me and my staff do what we do best - get them better! This month we have a special "GIVEAWAY" for you if you refer someone in.


As always,
Dr. Brad