A little STRESS is healthy... a lot is not!
Stress symptoms may be affecting your health without you even realizing it. We all experience stress at times in our lives. Stress can come from your environment, your body and your thoughts. No one is immune to it, and everyone handles it differently. It can be positive, keeping us alert and helping us avoid danger... and it can be negative when facing continuous challenges without relief or relaxation to recover from it.
Stress that is constant without any relief can lead to a negative stress reaction called distress. Distress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, neck and back pain, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, insomnia, chest pains and more.
Recognizing common stress symptoms can give you a jump on managing them. You may think that illness is to blame for that nagging headache or persistent backache, but it could very well be your body's reaction to stress that is causing your pain. To get your stress under control, first find out what is causing the stress in your life. Then look for ways to reduce the amount of stress you're experiencing, and implement some healthy ways to relieve stress or reduce its harmful effects.
Strategies to prevent and manage stress include a positive attitude, regular exercise, a healthy diet, time with friends and social situations, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments to release muscle tension and reduce irritation, mental health professional support, relaxation techniques and a night of good, restorative sleep.
Reprinted with permission from Think Teachers Magazine.