Mental Attitude: What You See Is What You Like.
After viewing images of successful women with varying body sizes, women who had strongly preferred only thin body types now had more favorable attitudes towards other body shapes.
PLoS One, November 2012
Health Alert: Children, Cars and Second-Hand Smoke.
Just ten minutes in the back seat of a car with a smoker in the front seat increased a child's exposure to harmful pollutants by 30%, even with the front windows completely rolled down.
British Medical Journal, November 2012
Diet: Cholesterol and Probiotics.
Two daily doses (200mg) of a probiotics lowered "bad" (LDL) and total cholesterol in study participants. Probiotics are live microorganisms (naturally occurring bacteria in the gut) thought to have beneficial effects. Common sources are yogurt or dietary supplements. Those taking the probiotics had LDL levels 11.6% lower than those on placebo after nine weeks.
American Heart Association, November 2012
Exercise: Belly Fat and Sleep Quality?
Losing weight can directly aid in improving sleep quality among obese or overweight people. Sleep quality was meaningfully associated with weight loss, either from changes in diet or a healthy diet combined with exercise. Sleep quality improvement was also observed with a loss in belly fat. With an average loss of 15 pounds and 15% belly fat, sleep scores improved by 20%. Chronic sleep disruptions can elevate the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, and stroke.
American Heart Association, November 2012
Chiropractic: Spinal Degenerative Joint Disease.
Spinal DJD (degenerative joint disease) occurs in most people as early as 40 years of age. The degeneration is due to gravity, major traumas, and repetitive micro-traumas (activities of daily living). Once the spine degenerates, simple mechanical compression (moving) can change nerve impulses, and the central nervous system may interpret that as pain.
Pain, 1977
Wellness/Prevention: Sleep and The Immune System.
Sleep deprivation increases the risk for developing inflammation related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and diabetes.
Biological Psychiatry, September 2008